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die Künstlerin

Willkommen in meiner wilden Welt

Ich bin Murml Gold, expressionistisch-abstrakte Realismus-Malerin und WILDLIFE ARTIST.

In meinen Kunstwerken drücke ich meine Leidenschaft für die Natur in meiner natürlichsten Sprache aus - der Malerei.

Meine Besonderheit ist, dass ich nicht nur über die Natur male, sondern sie auch lebe - jedes Jahr ziehe ich verwaiste Tierbabys auf und helfe ihnen, ihren Platz in der Natur zu finden. Ich lebe inmitten herrlichster Natur und ich gebe alles, sie zu schützen.

Mein größtes Ziel ist Mensch und Natur einander näher zu bringen.

Ich wünsche Dir eine wundervolle Begegnung mit der Wildnis!

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Murml Gold lives the live that perfectly fits her family name... 

She´s from the very south of Bavaria in a place surrounded by breathtaking landscapes and the spectacular Bavarian Alps. Murml is addicted to the wonders of nature, she loves the GOLD of the sunlight setting mountains on fire, warming the world and enlightening all its beauty.

GOLD means a lot to her, it is love, it is cohesion - it is FAMILY.

The most natural and effortless way for Murml Gold to express herself eversince has been by creating art.

With her drawing, painting and artcraft she captured and manifested feelings and experiences and voiced out with the language of art from childhood on.

So it doesn´t wonder that her artwork is full of spirit, sense and mood.

Her talent for art was discovered due to her extraordinary aptitude, skills and the messages of her artworks in very young age. Even as alittle she took every opportunity to unlock doors for her ideas in new materials and tecniques. In the age of 11 she took her first oil painting class where she was the only child in middle of long experienced adult artists.

Due to the loss of her father by suicide she seeked for solace in nature. Nature answered in sending animals to her, that usually are not connectable for humans. Since then everything in nature means inspirationand evokes dances of art ideas for boundless creations in front of her spiritual eye. She still feels a deep and true connection to the wild and takes care on orphant animals like birds and fawn year after year. With restless effort she gives them a hand on growing up by building cross-specied relationships. She faces the challenge to defeat prejudice and fear and brings together what usually is so far.

Therefor she is working on an upcoming project with real wolves.


Murmls process takes many steps and layers, like real life growing and developing. She often describes it with a young horse that at the beginning bucks and lives out its energy. Layer by layer she leads every color forceless and tender, the horse gains trust and they become friends. She empowers her pieces with composed final refinement.

Materials and processes vary to fit perfect the demand of each collection and often contain natural elements. Her pieces end up with several layers of fine oil paint in perfect sophistication.

Artist Trivia


Erdtöne, quinacridone orange, phtalo blue


Graphit, Inks, Ölfarben

Bester Ort zum Malen:

Plein Air in den bayerischen Bergen


Murml Gold ist mein richtiger Name


Meine Tiere, Bergwandern, Camping



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